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አዲስ ምዕራፍ ለመጀመር!
22ኛው ምዕተ ዘመን ገብተናል!
ስነ ሃይለ ሰብ
Energy Charged Human and Nature
In sociology we are well beyond the legacy perception....
The "magic" conception is understanding the working parameters of complexity and emergence through billion aspects of social and natural interactions.
The Logo:
decoded as (S-C & M-C)
H ( I <--> I)consists of two'I' s
combined with hyphen '-' in the middle...
The first I has on the top S for the Social,
and on the bottom C for the Cultural.
The second I has on top M for the Material,
and on the bottom S for Spiritual.
The Hyphen in the middle combining the two I s is vectored by the moments of Intelligence on the left side and
Energy on the right side
exactly similar to the Left and right hemisphere of the humans mind.
And H means in its totality
not more or not less than Harmony or
Human as Harmony carrier of the
omega and alpha of creativity
(not alpha and omega, it is the reverse process);
transforming itself into an energy charged body.
Now or today we are just on the way and we are still matter or mass charged and just biological!
This Idea - The Idea of the transformation of the prevailing matter/mass charged nature ( E = M* c*c (c squared; c the speed of Light) into an Energy/light charged nature ( E= m*c*c) or m = E/c*c occurred to me eight years ago, during moments and stances of deep meditation with special "Dasein" experiences, which prompted me to come up with the harmony Model as the bridge towards that Energy charged nature, (which I believe is the nature of that BEYOND our reach at the moment but that which we, once in a while through special experience, could touch and what perhaps in the far-fetched future may be a day-to-day experience under the status-quo of the dual modus of life and nature; the biological and non-biological-life, approximating that of that Beyond, which we don't know yet except in some sense of intuition and special experiences).
with the intrinsic meaning of Harmony
(Source-Intelligence- Destiny-Energy)
( q, quality of music or aesthetics;" ^ " meaning AND combined and related)
I feel the following research and the above is indicating in this direction. The 22nd century will indeed be an exciting phase of A HUMAN Development!
Biology at the speed of Light and Beyond
Those properties as social capital, like trust, they result from social network interactions. We've seen that one of the biggest problems of the financial crisis was this evaporation of trust. It has burned tens of thousands of billion dollars. If we would learn how to stabilize trust, or build trust, that would be worth a lot of money, really. Today, however, we're not considering the value of social capital.
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