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ከሃይል ንቀት ወደ ዕውቀትና ንቃት ለህዝባዊ ዕድገት


ስማ ስሚ ስሙ በስመ አብ ቢስሚላሂ በሉ፤

በቅላጼ መልክት፤ ይታደስ-ይቀደስ ትውልደ-ብርሃኑ፤

በተቻለው መጠን፤ በተፈለገ ለት፤ ቀን ይወጣል አሉ።

እንደ መሃል ምሥራቅ፤ አፍሪቃ ሰሜኑ፤

ኢትዮጵያም ይደርሳል ፅዋው መኅበሩ፤

Beautiful Minds of Addis Tiwlid 2012 1*)


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The New Science

Notes on the new movement of science
Unfortunately, Africa is at the moment busy in War and Conflicts!

"But science is getting very advanced with regard our understanding life. We know what it is, and we now know how to reproduce it. We produce life by writing new software.


"Many of us know the space, electric car, and solar energy inventor and entrepreneur Elon Musk, whose rockets are doing extremely well. Based on this success, within a decade we're likely going to see attempts to colonize the moon. Elon wants to colonize Mars. Depending on how close moon and Mars are to each other, it takes between four minutes and twenty-one minutes for an electromagnetic wave, for light, to go from Earth to Mars. But imagine you're on a colony on Mars, and you want a new cell that produces food, or fuel, or some medicine, or a vaccine, you can just e-mail that and convert it back into biology.

The idea that you're basically a DNA-driven software device is not the view that people necessarily have of themselves. But every cell on this planet works that way in a biological-to-mechanical kind of fashion. No brain controlling what happens with DNA reading and protein synthesis in your cells. The combination of one hundred trillion cells gives different people different abilities to make wonderful music, to make science advances, to think, but every one of those cells operates in the same fashion. And that means we will be able to decode how the brain functions by understanding these same mechanisms. There's no need to evoke mysticism or a higher being. That's what Schrodinger did seventy years ago. He couldn't explain things, so he did what people do when they can't explain something. He evokes mysticism. But science is getting very advanced with regard our understanding life. We know what it is, and we now know how to reproduce it. We produce life by writing new software.

Our announcement made eighteen months ago, was one of the few science announcements that received an immediate response from the President and the Pope. The President asked his Bioethics Commission to start looking at this development as their number one issue, and the Vatican released a statement that all we did was change one of the engines of life. They said it could lead to some important advances, but it wasn't creating life itself.

But DNA is not the engine of life, it's the software of life; the proteins are the engines, they're driven directly by that code in a very understandable, predictable fashion now. This has implications in many different areas."



My perception and synthesis:
In sociology we are well beyond the legacy perception, Programm bla bla is not worth the name... The "magic" conception is understanding the working parameters of  complexity and emergence through billion aspects of social and natural interactions.

The Logo: A H-uge -  H decoded as (S-C & M-C)
H ( I <--> I)consists of two'I' s combined with hiphen '-' in the middle...The first I has on the top S for the Social, and on the bottom C for the Cultural. The second I has on top M for the Material, and on the bottom S for Spiritual. The Hiphen in the middle combining the two I s is vectorized by the moments of Intelligence on the left side and Energy on the right side exactly similar to the Left and right hemisphere of the humans mind.

And H means in its totality not more or not less than Harmony or Human as Harmony carrior of the omega and alpha of creativity (not alpha and omega, it is the reverse process); transforming itself to an energy charged body. Now or today we are just on the way and we are still matter or mass charged and just biological! This Idea - The Idea of the transformation of theprevailing  matter/mass charged nature ( E = M* c*c (c squared; c the speed of Light) into an Energy/light charged nature ( E= m*c*c) or m = E/c*c occured to me eight years ago,  during moments and stances of deep meditation with special "Dasein" experiences, which prompted me to come up with the harmony Model as the bridge towards that Energy charged nature, (which I believe is the nature of that BEYOND our reach at the moment but that which once in a while through special experience could touch).

 "H" with the intrinsic  meaning  of Harmony
H <==> I= h*q*q  ^ E=m*c*c

( q, quality of music or aesthatics;" ^ " meaning AND combined and related)

I feel the following research and the above is indicating in this direction. The 22nd cetury will indeed be an exciting phase of  A HUMAN Development!




Those properties as social capital, like trust, they result from social network interactions. We've seen that one of the biggest problems of the financial crisis was this evaporation of trust. It has burned tens of thousands of billion dollars. If we would learn how to stabilize trust, or build trust, that would be worth a lot of money, really. Today, however, we're not considering the value of social capital.


On 10 August 2012 23:37, YHM <y.hailemichael@t-online.de> wrote:

Der Name ist ein Programm: „Seven Billion stories….und…?“ It  seems now:  Psychological war faire newu ! Ahun malett ye mechallewu …nessa Hibreteseb newu.Schluß aus! Le lam alle! Esum : Amess newu.



Von: H.B. [mailto:hilina.berhanu@googlemail.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 10. August 2012 16:49
An: Verborgene_Empfaenger:
Betreff: Made out of Plastic


አቤቱ! አፈር ነህና አፈር ትሆናለህ መሆኑ ቀርቶ
ፕላስቲክ ተደርገሃልና ፕላስቲክ እየበላህ
ለዘላለም ትኖራለህ ሆኗል!

Deswegen man weiss es nie wie sie Ihren besten Freund am Leben gehalten haben, da es sein muss:

Vielleicht ist das aus "Kunstoff"! Aufgepasst!


Irgendwann bestehen wir alle aus Plastik und fressen auch Palstik!
We are chemical beings, and we're software-driven beings, and once you understand that, then you can write new software. Anything becomes possible. We're trying to design cells to make new sources of energy, recycling carbon dioxide, getting these same cells to maybe use their recycled CO2 to make food, as well as fuel. It was an exciting change at least at a stage when we're exhausting our existing natural resources, and unless we can just stop population expansion, we have to do something pretty drastic in new sources of food, fuel, water and medicine.
Sie sind soweit gekommen und was tun wir?

Uns gegenseitig bekriegen!!!

"But science is getting very advanced with regard our understanding life. We know what it is, and we now know how to reproduce it. We produce life by writing new software.


DAHER, Good Bye, nein, man sagt ab sofort BAD BYE!

Auf NICHT Wiedersehen,

da ich auch ab sofort alles tue um mich in Kunstoff zu verwandeln um Kunststoff zu fressen und ewig am leben zu bleiben!

Erreichbar kann ich nur DIGITAL & BiNÄR sein!

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"When the idea formed of Divinity is the fruit of true spiritual culture, its intimate re-action on the inner perfection is at once beneficial and beautiful. All things assume a new form and meaning in our eyes when regarded as the creatures of forecasting design, and not the capricious handiwork of unreasoning chance. The ideas of wisdom order, and adaptative forethought,—ideas so necessary to the conduct of our own actions, and even to the culture of the intellect,—strike deeper root into our susceptible nature, when we discover them everywhere around us. The finite becomes, as it were, infinite; the perishable, enduring; the fleeting, stable; the complex, simple,—when we contemplate one great regulating Cause on the summit of things, and regard what is spiritual as endlessly enduring. Our search after truth, our striving after perfection, gain greater certainty and consistency when we can believe in the existence of a Being who is at once the source of all truth, and the sum of all perfection. The soul becomes less painfully sensible of the chances and changes of fortune, when it learns how to connect hope and confidence with such calamities. The feeling of receiving everything we possess from the hand of love, tends no less to exalt our moral excellence and enhance our happiness. Through a constant sense of gratitude for enjoyment—through clinging with fond trustfulness to the object towards which it yearns, the soul is drawn out of itself, nor always broods in jealous isolation over its own sensations, its own plans, hopes, and fears. Should it lose the exalting feeling of owing everything to itself, it still enjoys the rapture of living in the love of another,—a feeling in which its own perfection is united with the perfection of that other being. It becomes disposed to be to others what others are to it; it would not that they too should receive nothing but from themselves, in the same way that it receives nothing from others."

Wilhelm von Humboldt, The Limits of State action; 1792(CHAPTER VII.

The Synthesis