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Wednesday, 26 January 2011
A Simple Algebra of Social-Dynamics - The Role of the Youth
CHALLENGE YOUR HEAD A Simple Algebra of Social-Dynamics - The Role of the Youth
This Agency can be divided ( to make the social analysis and its dynamics as simple as possible) into three big sections or strata, with the "participation" of two special agencies, we call "singularities"(cf. Deleuze parlance, multiplicities, assemblage, singularities etc.) - the Human and the Absolute; partially, these are models of abstraction, which can only be discerned in their effects in the final analysis of social dynamics). Thus, the "Human Agency", as posited in contrast to the all-encompassing "Natural Agency“ of Life , consists of : I. Multiplicities
A. The Elite (a)
B. The mass (b)
C: The Youth (c)
II. Singularities
D. The Human (d)
E. The Absolute (e)/or God to employ a concept of common understanding/ A. The Elite (a) is, in a given social complex, that multiplicity of singularities /individual subjects, singular in a sense of their indivisibility and objective sovereignty/, who are privileged, materially, spiritually or socially; due to different circumstances of historical, cultural or traditional/ patrimonial, or/and educational significance, resulting in social power emanating out of the given different backgrounds like military, religion, or family and social status, cumulated in a state structure of different forms. B. The Mass (b) is taken as the assemblage /the collection/ of all the underprivileged strata incorporating more than two third of the whole but enjoying less than a third of all the benefits a social complex in a populated region (state, nation or more or less etc.) can afford, whereby the first third goes to the Elite, the second third in the best case to the Youth, in the worst case to the Elite. C. The Youth (c) is taken to be a multiplicity of citizens under 40 covering and permeating the other assemblages ( The Elite and The Mass) but with its own specific preferences of attractors of meanings and social benefits and interests ( including for ex. education, investments etc. for the future) D. The Human (d) is the abstraction of the autonomous, sovereign and independent Individual (i.e. irrespective of their stratum background all those genuinely committed to the enlightenment of the social body); including the extrapolation of the future or rather "the crystal image". E. The Absolute/ GOD (e) is the abstraction of symmetry control parameters from „initial conditions of existence" still at work in the reality. "Something“ like the Absolute, the immanence, that beyond dimension or the "BwO" (Deleuze), the embodiment of the "consecrated past" in the Virtual embedded in LIFE.
2. The material plane
3. The spiritual plane
4. The cultural plane
The different sections of the human agency have all their own preferences of attractors of meanings, correlated to and running along the planes of life, from which they could at best extract a big share of the social benefit or see significant meanings for their existence. In short, The Elite is interested in the domination of the social plane i.e. the state, the community and the family as its constituent sections. The Mass is in its inherent nature attracted to its own self, (the material plane) to give it all the preference it owes in order to make its existence and survival meaningful; the material plane incorporating, mankind, nature and the universe at large.
The Youth with all the vision and joy for life, it may be endowed with or socially nurtured, the attractor of meaning it would prefer will revolve around the spiritual plane, with faith/philosophy, religion or conscience as its constituent parts.
And The Human has the undisputed cultural plane as an attractor of meaning. Accordingly,
The social plane (S) (the state, community, family; sections which can again be distributed among the different agents, according to their relevant preferences), is an attractor of meaning for The Elite,
The material plane (M) (universe, nature, mankind), has more meaning to The mass
The spiritual plane (Sp)(faith/philosophy, religion, conscience) is preferred as an attractor of meaning by The Youth;
The cultural plane (C) is the a plane of activity with more relevance to the sovereign Individual. Therefore it can be correlated to the The Human as a whole, where of course in the capacity as a human every singularity of a social complex will be rediscovered in its corresponding activity.
To visualize and understand the macro perspectives of a social dynamics, this constellation will be elaborated in the link below by means of geometrical pictures and simple algebra, with the purpose of highlighting the role of the Youth in a social dynamics and transformation.
[Legends: example: S, social, a, Elite; S(a), the social plane as an attractor of meaning for the elite; M(b) for the mass, Sp(c) for the youth and C(d) for the human correspondingly; Harmony(Agency), H(A)]
H(A) == S(a) +M(b) + Sp(c) +C(d)
Example: S(a) correlated like; State -to the elite, a; community to the mass, b; family to the youth, c ....etc. for the other planes in a similar distribution, resulting in the total sum as follows:
C(d)=d*a+d*b+d*c H(A) == a*a+b*b+c*c + 2ab+2ac+2bc+ da+db+dc To READ & visualize MORE see: A simple algebra of a zero-sum-game
The game of contradictions, with one excluding the other, eliminating an outcome of a net-benefit - A zero-sum-game along tradition, basic ethnic instincts, religion, ideology, and sectional economic interests. The end-product of a zero-sum-game is equal to zero..."0". With The Elite playing against each other up to and including total elimination, from the function of H(Agency) in the capacity of the Elite (a) what remains for the social complex is an approximation of a = 0. And be it in its interaction with itself (a*a) or with the mass (a*b) or with the youth (a*c), the benefit is meaningless as long as it is demotivated, through the "principle„ of excluding, deconstructing and demoralizing one another. I.e. H (Agency) ==a*a (=0) +b*b +c*c +2ab(=0) +2ac(=0) +2bc+da(=0) +db+dc H(Agency) = H(A) ==b*b+c*c+2bc+db+dc With this rest constellation it is apparent that The Youth (c), whose attractor of meaning is of spiritual nature (faith/vision, religion or conscience) plays a crucial role. Since The Youth is partially a section of The Elite, it has the option either to play the game of the elite or to disassociate itself from the game of the Elite. If it develops along its own attractor of meaning, it can determine along what line the social body would vibrate to bring about a social transformation. If The Youth plays the same "zero-sum-game" (c=0) as the Elite, counter to the interests of The Mass what remains from H(A) is just a "good for nothing" - the survival struggle ; H(A) = b*b + d*b ;
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