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ከሃይል ንቀት ወደ ዕውቀትና ንቃት ለህዝባዊ ዕድገት


ስማ ስሚ ስሙ በስመ አብ ቢስሚላሂ በሉ፤

በቅላጼ መልክት፤ ይታደስ-ይቀደስ ትውልደ-ብርሃኑ፤

በተቻለው መጠን፤ በተፈለገ ለት፤ ቀን ይወጣል አሉ።

እንደ መሃል ምሥራቅ፤ አፍሪቃ ሰሜኑ፤

ኢትዮጵያም ይደርሳል ፅዋው መኅበሩ፤

Beautiful Minds of Addis Tiwlid 2012 1*)


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Moral Courage for the TRUTH ...ሕዳሴ የሚያስፈልጋቸው... | Reporter -Amharic

Whence does the moral courage of "Reporter" come? How would the "publicist artist" interpret this? Whence comes the "sudden enlightenment"?...etc....

Whither would the moral courage evolve and move?
Be what it would be!
Be Authentic; Go Ahead and Remain Genuine! 

For all those with genuine moral courage for the TRUTH, a nice old Irish blessing, I always remember in times of crisis is relevant here:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

ሕዳሴ የሚያስፈልጋቸው የዴሞክራሲና የፍትሕ ዘርፎች ምነው ተረሳን እያሉ ናቸው
በአሁኑ ጊዜ በአገራችን ‹‹ሕዳሴ›› የሚለው ቃል በየቀኑ እየተስተጋባነው፡፡ .........
እያሳሰበንና እያሰጋን ያለው፣ እንደ ልማቱ ሁሉ የሕዳሴው መፈክርና በዋነኝነትም የሕዳሴው ዕቅድ በዴሞክራሲና በሰብዓዊ መብት፣በፍትሕ ማጠናከርና ማስከበር ዙርያ እየተደመጠ አለመሆኑን ነው፡፡ለምን የሚል የመገረም ጥያቄም እንድናነሣ እያደረገን ነው፡፡
ኢሕአዴግ ራሱን ብቻ እያዳመጠ ራሱን ማታለል የለበትም፡፡ የፕሬስ ነፃነት በኢትዮጵያ ተረጋገጠ፤ ተከበረ፤ ሲሉት፣አታጭበርብሩኝ! አልቀበልም! ማለት አለበት፡፡ ያለው እኮ፣በመንግሥት ሞኖፖል የተያዘ ፕሬስ ነው፡፡ ያለው እኮ፣ ሕዝብን ነፃ ሆኖ ማገልገል ያልቻለ የመንግሥት ሚዲያ ነው፡፡ ....  ....

.   .. .  ገንዘብ ሲናገር ፍትሕ ዝም የሚልበት፣ ተጠያቂነት የሌለበት ሁኔታ ነው፡፡ 
ስለሆነም፣ መንግሥት የዴሞክራሲና የፍትሕ ሕዳሴ ብሎ ሊያውጅና ሊንቀሳቀስበት ይገባል እንላለን፡፡
ሙስና ከአሰቃቂ ደረጃ ላይ እየደረሰ ነው፡፡ ...  ...
..  ..  ... ፓርቲውም ሆነመንግሥት ሊቆጣጠራቸው አለመቻሉና መደናበሩም ስላለ ነው፡፡
ሐቀኞች ሲደናበሩና ሲጃጃሉ ምላጮቹ ተጠናከሩና ተረባረቡ፡፡
ይህን ለማስተካከል ኢሕአዴግ ቆም ብሎ ማሰብና ለማስተካከልም መወሰንና መቁረጥ አለበት፡፡ አማራጩ መንገድ ወይ ተስተካክሎ ተጠናክሮ መቀጠል፣ አልያም ተልፈስፍሶና ተሽመድምዶ መውደቅ እንደሆነ ኢሕአዴግ ሊገነዘበው ይገባል፡፡  ወይ ታሪክ ሠርቶ ማለፍ፣አልያም የራሱን ቃልና መሐላ ረግጦና ደምስሶ ማለፍ እንደሆነ ሊታሰብበት ይገባል፡፡
ማስተካከል ከተቻለ ጊዜው ይፈቅዳል፡፡ ይቻላል፡፡ ግን ቆራጥ አመራርያስፈልጋል፡፡ በቁርጠኝነት ከተወሰነ ደግሞ አቅጣጫው ቀላል ነው፡፡የልማት ሕዳሴ እንደታወጀ ሁሉ፣ የዴሞክራሲና የፍትሕ ሕዳሴምእውን ማድረግ ነው፡፡ ለልማት የመሠረት ድንጋይ ተቀምጦ ጅምሩ ሲተገበር፣ ለዴሞክራሲና ለፍትሕም በሕገ መንግሥቱ ላይ መሠረቱ ተቀምጧል፤ ተግባሩን ዛሬውኑ፤ አሁኑኑ ቀጥሉ ማለት ነው፡፡
ከልማትነት መፈክርና ዕቅድ ጋር የዴሞክራሲነትና የፍትሐዊነት መፈክርና ዕቅድም አሁኑኑ! ተግባሩም ዛሬውኑ!!
(excerpts and emphasis made by the blogger!) 

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"When the idea formed of Divinity is the fruit of true spiritual culture, its intimate re-action on the inner perfection is at once beneficial and beautiful. All things assume a new form and meaning in our eyes when regarded as the creatures of forecasting design, and not the capricious handiwork of unreasoning chance. The ideas of wisdom order, and adaptative forethought,—ideas so necessary to the conduct of our own actions, and even to the culture of the intellect,—strike deeper root into our susceptible nature, when we discover them everywhere around us. The finite becomes, as it were, infinite; the perishable, enduring; the fleeting, stable; the complex, simple,—when we contemplate one great regulating Cause on the summit of things, and regard what is spiritual as endlessly enduring. Our search after truth, our striving after perfection, gain greater certainty and consistency when we can believe in the existence of a Being who is at once the source of all truth, and the sum of all perfection. The soul becomes less painfully sensible of the chances and changes of fortune, when it learns how to connect hope and confidence with such calamities. The feeling of receiving everything we possess from the hand of love, tends no less to exalt our moral excellence and enhance our happiness. Through a constant sense of gratitude for enjoyment—through clinging with fond trustfulness to the object towards which it yearns, the soul is drawn out of itself, nor always broods in jealous isolation over its own sensations, its own plans, hopes, and fears. Should it lose the exalting feeling of owing everything to itself, it still enjoys the rapture of living in the love of another,—a feeling in which its own perfection is united with the perfection of that other being. It becomes disposed to be to others what others are to it; it would not that they too should receive nothing but from themselves, in the same way that it receives nothing from others."

Wilhelm von Humboldt, The Limits of State action; 1792(CHAPTER VII.

The Synthesis